Friday, August 3, 2007

Our Week is Over

Our week of vacation/service has ended. It was a great week -- we got to see old friends, talk, and relax. We had many opportunities to talk about our adoption. So many were interested in what we are doing. They can't believe that we are crazy enough to even want to start another family. We aren't crazy at all!! When God calls you to do something, you have to do it. We really don't have a choice, but it's something that we are really looking forward to.

Even though today is our last day here, we get to hang around for a while. Tonight is parent's night for the summer staff. Since our kids are on staff again this year, we are here for that event. We'll leave later this evening when everything is over. We're not sure when that will be, but we're here for as long as possible.

It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over. Edward only has two weeks of his summer service left, a week of vacation and then college!! Johannah is here until Labor Day minus our week of vacation. In so many ways this summer has flown by and in many other ways it's been a looooooong summmer. I'm just so excited to get to Africa and bring our child(ren) home. The Lord knows the desires of my heart and it will happen in His time!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pinebrook . . . in the beautiful Pocono Mts.

Our annual week at Pinebrook Bible Conference started yesterday. It's great to see our kids again and spend some time with them. This year is a little different for us, though. We've decided to spend the week serving as line monitors during the meals. This means that our week is free and the $$ that would have been spent to spend the week here can be put toward the adoption. What a blessing that is!! Our church usually pays for most of our week here, but this year it will be to bring our children home. I am thrilled!! :-) Since we know almost everyone here this week, it's been a great way to get to see everyone.

One of my friends that I met 12 years ago here at Pinebrook has decided that she will be going to Zambia with us if that's where we ultimately end up. Our stay there could be any where from 3-6 weeks. Ralph will only have to stay until we meet our children and then he can head home. Carol will be with me to keep me company and help with the children. It will be great to have a companion after Ralph leaves. And then Ralph will be able to get all of the necessary "stuff" that we will need -- carseats, stroller, winter clothes, etc. We'll hold off getting any of that until we know the ages and sex of our children. More excitement if building. I can't wait to get my children home!